Wedding Reception - Wikipedia Wedding

Wedding reception - Wikipedia

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"Wedding party" redirects here. For other uses, see The Wedding Party.

Entertainment at an English nuptials reception. The organisers keep hired two opera singers to sing arias during the repast intended the enjoyment of the guests. The mother of the groom is being serenaded.

Wedding dance of an Azerbaijani wedded couple

A wedding reception is a party usually held at the end of the completion of a marriage service while hospitality intended those who keep attended the wedding, therefore the name reception: the two receive society, within the form of relations including friends, intended the initial period while a wedded couple. Hosts provide their choice of nourishment including drink, although a wedding cake is popular. Entertaining guests at the end of a nuptials service is traditional within most societies, including can last anywhere from half an hour to many hours or even days. Most nuptials receptions are made within the dusk intended meal however, the two may opt intended a luncheon, brunch, or even afternoon tea.[1] Ultimately the wedded two chooses the details including location of the reception.

In some cultures, separate nuptials celebrations are held intended the bride's including groom's families.

Before receptions – a social happening that is structured around a receiving line, including usually held within the afternoon, with of} one light refreshments – became popular, weddings were extra typically celebrated with of} nuptials breakfasts (for those whose religious traditions encouraged morning weddings) including nuptials balls (for those who were wedded within the evening). The fame of receptions, rather than breakfasts, dinners, including balls, during the 20th century led to the name reception being applied to any social happening at the end of a wedding, whether it is brunch, tea, dinner, or a dance.

Western culture[edit]


Banquet lobby being worn intended nuptials reception

Until at the end of World War II, nuptials celebrations were most commonly held within the bride's home, within whatever manner of enjoyment was in the method of the family.[2] This power exist a grand ball intended a prosperous family, a luncheon intended middle-class families, or an afternoon tea, highlighting cake including lemonade, intended working-class families. The choice depended primarily on the family's economic situation, including within some cases, mass weddings were favored while a way to share costs. At the opening of the 20th century, dance halls became common, including were rented through those organization a celebration on the other side of what their homes could hold.[3] Typical locations intended nuptials celebrations now contain hotel ballrooms, banquet halls, nuptials venues, community halls, social halls at the church or other sacred place where the nuptials service took place, and, expressly intended smaller weddings, restaurants including garden parties at home. There are too many little businesses that specialize within if places intended nuptials ceremonies including celebrations. There are many wedding venues ready at this period within Sydney, so couples can select including book their nuptials day.

Receiving line[edit]

Technically, to exist a reception, instead of some other form of entertainment, guests must exist greeted with of} a receiving line. In a receiving line, just wedded couple, the hosts, including often their parents including any honour attendants, stand within order of precedence including greet every guest within turn. Each guest greets the initial (lowest precedence) person within the line and, if necessary, introduces him/herself. The initial person at that time introduces the guest to the later person within the line, including turns to the later guest. As every single guest properly speaks little extra than his/her name (if necessary) including conventional greetings or congratulations to every single person within turn, the line progresses steadily without unnecessary delays. Western good or proper behaviour requires at least one of the hosts including the just wedded couple, while the guests of honor, to welcome including greet the guests, but the other members of the nuptials party, parents who are not hosting the party, siblings, etc., are not prescribed to stand within the receiving line. It is increasingly standard to feature one the couple, since extra present couples proprietor including compensate intended their special weddings rather than their parents.

After formally receiving every single guest within this fashion, the receiving line is finished including the people who had been duty-bound to stand within it can mingle with of} guests, eat, including enjoy extra lengthened conversations.

Grand entrance[edit]

Another option, especially well-liked on the East including West Coast of the United States, is having a grand opening instead of a receiving line.[4] The grand opening power involve presenting some or all of the nuptials party, the parents, and/or the bride including groom.

The nuptials faction is usually introduced through a master of ceremonies, disc jockey, or band leader. It may exist done within the similar style while they walked down the aisle during the nuptials ceremony. This is generally much faster than a receiving line including guests may exist seated before the arrival of the nuptials party. In addition, it can exist an happening within itself including exist while entertaining while wished. Introductions may exist accompanied through music including details regarding every single person to introduce them to the guests. However, unlike a party line, it does not perform the guests an opportunity to speak to any of the people being presented.


The nuptials cake including other decorations at a nuptials party within Japan

The nourishment served at a nuptials party is firm through the period of the nuptials including local customs. Food may variety from a non-alcoholic drink with of} wedding cake to elaborate, multi-course dinners. The type of nourishment is chosen entirely at the discretion of the hosts.

Some receptions, especially if the nuptials party's the arts or religious confidence prohibits drink or dancing, centre on dessert. Hosts may too choose to honor local or local customs, such while through serving a culturally important cake like croquembouche within France, or highlighting thousands of homemade cookies within Pittsburgh.[5]

The bride including stableman cut the nuptials cake at an American nuptials party within 1955.

The nuptials cake is often a multi-tiered layer cake that is elaborately decorated with of} grey frosting. Some couples keep a smaller display cake, which is supplemented through sheet cake.

The groom's cake is a tradition observed mainly within the southern United States. In the Colonial including Victorian eras, the white-iced bride's cake was considered "too light" intended male tastes, including a second cake choice—usually a dark, liquor-soaked fruitcake—was too offered. Today, chocolate is popular, although the groom's cake may exist within any flavor including is usually turned or decorated while something significant to the groom, such while a favorite hobby or sport.

If a full repast is served, the nuptials cake is usually served at the end of the meal. Otherwise, the cake may exist served while soon while the relations has received all of the guests.

Commonly, the two ceremonially cut the initial piece of the cake, including within a nod to an ancient Roman nuptials rite, may feed a cut to one another including maybe drink a glass of wine or other drink with of} linked arms. Then the cake is served to the guests. Like being asked to pour tea at a formal tea party, being asked to serve the cake is generally considered an honor.[6]


In most Western countries, either before or at the end of nourishment is served, toasts are made through the nuptials party, wishing the two well. Commonly, toasts are proposed through the bride's father, the groom, the best man, and/or the maid of honor, although there is no absolutely prescribed list of people who must make toasts, or indeed any demand to offer toasts at all.[7]

A modern trend involves the supplement of a DVD slideshow or photo montage video, highlighting pictures of the modern spouses growing up including meeting. These are created using home movies including photos taken over the couple's life, edited including set to music. The montage is shown either on a large TV or check or with of} an LCD projector.[8]


Flemish wedding, 17th century

"A Gorals' Wedding" – bride including stableman dance

If there is dancing at the celebrations at the end of the wedding, the just wedded two typically open the dancing with of} their first dance.[7] When waltzing was popular, it was at times called a bridal waltz, although other dance styles are extra commonly worn now. The manner of dancing depends on the nature of the music chosen. Fox trot, two-step, or rumba match most four-count ginger ballads. While most contemporary Western couples select a romantic song including a relatively formal dance style, some couples choose to do humorous choreographed dances. Modern chart hits are flattering an increasingly well-liked option intended the initial dance – the most well-liked initial dance song at UK weddings within 2016 is Thinking Out Loud, a soft rock ballad co-written through Ed Sheeran including Amy Wadge.[9]

Traditionally, shortly at the end of the dance begins, guests would promptly join within the dancing, within order of precedence, exactly like at any other ball.[7] In very recent times, some families keep told guests to not start dancing till at the end of watching a at times lengthy sequence of "special" dances.[7] For example, at the end of the initial dance, the just wedded two power dance with of} their parents or modern in-laws. However, there is no demand that any special people dance at all, much less with of} any special person, including no absolutely prescribed command intended the matrimonial couple, their families, or the matrimonial faction to begin dancing in.[10]


Wedding receptions are often the period when couples want to guarantee their relations including guests drive exist entertained, including a change of options such while disc jockeys, board bands, professional dancers such while ballroom dancers or belly dancers, fire artists including even comedians are brought within to heighten the festivities including make the nuptials stand out. In America including within other countries, including lavish enjoyment at the nuptials party is a luxury. Wedding DJ's keep been increasing within fame within present cultures. In 2019, nuptials enjoyment is extremely varied, often lavish including expensive. Everything from chocolate fountains, to the release of mating doves, magicians, singing waiters including fun casinos keep become common, even expected.


A service is often made of the newlyweds' departure. Rice or birdseed, signifying abundance, may exist thrown at the departing couple, with of} birdseed preferred through facility managers, since it requires less clean up be employed than rice, including new, mess-free substitutes, such while blowing soap bubbles or ringing little bells being even extra favored through the cleaning staff.[7]

As the newlyweds are the guests of honor, the other guests are anticipated to remain at the party till they leave them, including consequently, it is an imposition on the other guests intended the newlyweds to stay unreasonably long at the party.[7] On occasion, the newlyweds drive stage an official leave-taking, so that guests feel free to leave, including at that time quietly return through another door.


A black tie nuptials party held at the Society Room within Hartford, Connecticut.

The median price of a wedding, including both the service including reception, within the United States, while of 2012, was regarding US $18,000, according to a large survey at an online wedding website.[11] Regional differences are significant, with of} residents of Manhattan paying extra than six times while much while residents of Alaska.[11] Additionally, the survey perhaps overestimates the typical price because of a biased sample population.[11]

The nuptials industry grosses $161 billion annually, according to Rebecca Mead, author of One Perfect Day.[12] Approximately 50% of a couple's unified nuptials budget is spent on the party alone. This is primarily due to the price of nourishment including alcohol.[13]

Other traditions[edit]

Wedding traditions vary amidst countries, including amidst regions of the similar country. Some traditions include:

  • The money dance, or "dollar dance". Guests compensate a little amount of money to dance with of} the bride or groom. In some cultures, the money is pinned to a special apron worn through the bride or groom. In others, the money is collected through friends. This is prevalent in the midst of Polish including Italian couples, although many other brides including grooms often incorporate it. There is considerable debate regarding the propriety of a money dance within English-speaking countries, where the use is frowned upon because making guests compensate intended dancing or socializing with of} the matrimonial two seems inhospitable, greedy, or distasteful.[14] It is accepted when the two including the majority of their guests are of one of the cultures within which it is traditional.
  • Tossing of the bride's bouquet including garter.[7] The bride tosses her bouquet over her carry to a group of all the one women present. Whoever catches it is supposed to exist the later to get married. Similarly, the stableman tosses the bride's garter to the one men at the end of removing it from her leg. On occasion, the bride drive "rig" the spray toss through tossing the bunch of flowers to a woman who is engaged. The stableman at that time arranges intended the fiancé of the bouquet-toss winner to accept the bride's garter. Sometimes, the man who catches the garter is supposed to leave it on the leg of the woman who catches the bouquet, or the garter is sold within a raffle instead of being tossed. However, this tradition has recently started falling away of favour within Western cultures, expressly the UK including United States, where it is increasingly being viewed while outdated, sexist, including humiliating intended one women.[15]
  • Clinking glasses. Guests drive often clink their glasses during meal to inquire the newlyweds to stand up including kiss. Some couples go by or past away wedding favor bells intended guests to ring instead of clinking glasses.[7]
  • Favors. The hosts may provide a little gift intended every single guest. Favors may contain chocolates, candles, representation frames, or other little gifts. Such favors are not required.[7]

Chinese culture[edit]


Unless the nuptials two has a nuptials registry, it is leading not to perform gifts or gift certificates. For Chinese weddings, change or a cheque is regularly the leading gift. In supplement to that, some elder relatives power too perform gold jewelry. The change or cheque should exist within a red envelope or red pocket with of} the givers' names on it, including it is regularly particular when signing within at the restaurant. In choosing the amount of money to give, givers scrupulously avoid unlucky numbers, such while 4 including favor combinations of lucky numbers, such while 8 including 9. Also, grey envelopes are not once worn to wrap gifts intended a nuptials or other joyful event, while the color grey is associated with of} death.


There are two times listed on the invitation: 恭候 (gōnghòu/greeting) including 入席 (rùxí/reception). Typically, they are at least two hours apart (some may exist four hours). The initial one is the period the stableman including bride, along with of} their family, drive exist ready to accept guests including greet them; the second one is the period the reception/banquet drive start. The gap amidst those hours is referred to while enjoyment time. Very often, the restaurant drive provide poker including mahjong (麻將) intended gambling; the period can too exist worn to socialize with of} other guests including grip photos with of} the bride/groom including their families. Nowadays, intended Chinese couples' weddings within the U.S., you are less disposed to see mahjong being played before the banquet; it is often replaced through a combination party.[citation needed] However, if the nuptials party takes place within southern China, Hong Kong, Macau, including even parts of Canada (where there is a large Cantonese population), mahjong power still exist played before the dinner.


Gifts of money may exist placed within a special box at the sign-in table.

Two people drive exist at the sign-in tables (one from the bride’s relations including one from the groom’s) to register guests including accept gifts/red envelopes. Often, they drive keep two separate guest lists, one from the groom’s side including one from the bride’s. Then the leading man including the maid of honor drive direct ushers to escort guests to their seat.

Banquet procedure[edit]

Typically, the spread drive contain a speech from the parents, the leading man, the maid of honor, including the guest speaker. There drive exist cake cutting, toasts, a tea ceremony,[16] including dancing. The two tables at the center of the office are intended the groom’s including bride’s families.

Chinese Traditions[edit]

A Chinese nuptials party typically has nine or ten courses. Expensive dishes such while shark fin, abalone, lobster, jumbo shrimp, squab, sea bass, or sea cucumber are standard on a nuptials spread menu. A whole fish, chicken, or sow method success including completeness within Chinese nuptials culture.

Traditionally, at the end of the fifth dish of the dinner, the stableman including bride including their families drive approach every single table to brown the guests. Very often, the bride drive change into a traditional Chinese red nuptials dress (鳳褂, or qípáo) at that time, if she has been wearing a different manner of clothing before.


The decorations vary through the arts including budget.

  • Modern party within Vietnam

  • An elaborate nuptials party within 1894 within Australia

  • This nuptials party was held outdoors.


  1. ^ wedding reception
  2. ^ McBee, Randy D. (2000). Dance lobby days: intimacy including free time in the midst of working-class immigrants within the United States. New York: New York University Press. pp. 222–228. ISBN 0-8147-5620-4.
  3. ^ Ryan A. Brasseaux; Bienvenu, Marcelle; Brasseaux, Carl A. (2005). Stir the pot: the history of Cajun cuisine. [PLACE]: HIPPOCRENE BOOKS. p. 104. ISBN 0-7818-1120-1.
  4. ^ "Choosing Between A Grand Entrance And Receiving Line". Belvedere. Retrieved 6 July 2015.
  5. ^ Lieber, Ron (15 December 2009). "The Wedding? I'm Here intended the Cookies". The New York Times.
  6. ^ Martin, Judith (2005). Miss Manners' Guide to Excruciatingly Correct Behavior. New York: W.W. Norton & Co. p. 428. ISBN 0-393-05874-3.
  7. ^ a b c d e f g h i Martin, Judith (2005). Miss Manners' Guide to Excruciatingly Correct Behavior. New York: W.W. Norton & Co. ISBN 0-393-05874-3.
  8. ^ Using projectors during nuptials receptions, "Wedding Projector Ideas That Aren't At All Cheesy", Brides (magazine), Retrieved 10 June 2017.
  9. ^ Southall, Adam (2016). "The 9 most well-liked nuptials initial dance songs of 2016". FixTheMusic.
  10. ^ ^ Martin, Judith (1995). Miss Manners on Painfully Proper Weddings New York: Crown Publishers. p. 126. ISBN 978-0517701874.
  11. ^ a b c Oremus, Will (19 March 2015). "The Wedding Industry's Pricey Little Secret". Slate. ISSN 1091-2339. Retrieved 2015-05-03.
  12. ^ "The wedding-industrial complex". Christian Science Monitor. 8 June 2007. p. 8. Retrieved 4 June 2016.
  13. ^ Wedding Receptions.
  14. ^ Martin, Judith; Jacobina Martin (2010). Miss Manners' Guide to a Surprisingly Dignified Wedding. New York: W. W. Norton & Company. pp. 273–274. ISBN 0-393-06914-1.
  15. ^
  16. ^ Nathan, Sherman (14 January 2007). "גני אירועים בשרון". Odeon (in Hebrew). p. 9. Retrieved 4 June 2016.

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