Wedding Wishes: What To Write In A Wedding Card Wedding Gown

Wedding Wishes: What to Write in a Wedding Card

Wedding Wishes: What to Write in a Wedding Card

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Wedding Wishes: What to Write in a Wedding Card

We've been there: You market elongated also strong to find the faultless marriage card appropriate to the soon-to-be married couple also then you get home also keep a pretty rough time figuring out what to record in it. The great information is, there are no hard-and-fast rules about what to record in a marriage card. As elongated when your marriage good wishes message is heartfelt also offers the couple a positive wish appropriate to their marriage, you're great to go.

Wedding Card Etiquette 101

It should nearly go without saying that marriage cards are customary appropriate to any person who wants to post marriage wishes to an working or newly married couple. If you're following old wedding guest etiquette, you'll either wish for to take the card to the marriage reception or mail it directly to the couple (usually among the time you receive the marriage invitation also a few weeks following the wedding). Honestly though, you can post it whenever you want. You could even post a pleasant card if the marriage is small also you're not invited. Simply put: Wedding good wishes are welcome anytime by anyone!

As appropriate to the card itself, wedding cards near in lots about different formats—from level greeting cards you find at a cute stationery market to homemade cards, small tags attached to gifts also even simple, digitally created marriage messages that are printed also shipped to the couple in the company of their gift. All about the above pass when a marriage card also are considered okay, thus don't experience the need to keep more than one. (Then again, if you bought a gift off the couple's registry also wish for them to too keep a pretty card from you, take one to the reception also lower it in a marriage card case or on a gift table!)

Is It Okay to Write the Term "Congratulations?"

In short, yes. That said, it used to exist saying or script "congratulations" to a newly married woman was once considered a faux pas because it was consideration about when congratulating her on actually landing a man! (Yep, you read that right.) Today though, that's considered an outdated rule also school about thought. Still, if the couple happens to exist highly old or near from a highly old family, you power wish for to prevent the term absolutely also lately say "best wishes."

What to Write in a Wedding Card

The faultless marriage wish is sentimental, sweet also totally tailored to the couple. Is it appropriate to your favorite cousin also his modern wife? Or your hilarious college roommate who finally settled down? Below are dozens about examples about marriage wishes quotes appropriate to inspiration. Use the fast links beneath to craft an amazing (genius!) marriage message:

Formal Wedding Wishes

Just because it's a formal marriage in the company of floor-length dresses also tuxes doesn't mean you keep to post a formal card in the company of stuffy wording. (The card doesn't keep to perfectly match the event.) Still, if you wish for to record a pleasant message that's timeless also romantic, a formal note is the method to go.


  • "Wishing you a lifetime about adore also happiness."
  • "Your marriage day will near also go, but may your adore forever grow."
  • "Best wishes on this wonderful journey, when you build your modern lives together."
  • "May the years ahead exist filled in the company of long-term joy."
  • "May the adore you share before tomorrow grow stronger when you grow aged together."
  • "May your joining together take you more delight than you can imagine."
  • "May before tomorrow exist the beginning about a long, happy existence together."
  • "Thank you appropriate to letting us/me share in this pleasing day. We/I wish you everything the leading when you go aboard on this wonderful union."
  • "Wishing you joy, adore also pleasure on your marriage day also when you begin your modern existence together."
  • "May the adore also pleasure you experience before tomorrow shine through the years."

Casual Wedding Wishes

If you don't experience loose-fitting in the company of formal marriage sayings, then don't work it. Be yourself. It's totally good to record a more relaxed marriage message in the card, no matter the recipient. Put it this way: Short also sweet is regularly fine, when elongated when you're saying something pleasant or including a wish appropriate to the couple's future.


  • "Best wishes!"
  • "Congratulations!"
  • "Congratulations on your wedding!"
  • "We're/I'm thus happy appropriate to you!"
  • "Wishing you lots about adore also happiness."
  • "We/I adore you. Congrats!"
  • "Lots about adore before tomorrow also beyond."
  • "Here's a small something to set about your existence together." (If you're including a gift.)
  • "Hugs also kisses."
  • "Wishing you a elongated also happy marriage."
  • "Here's to a elongated also happy marriage!"
  • "Wishing you the leading before tomorrow also always."
  • "So happy to celebrate this day in the company of you both!"
  • "Best wishes appropriate to a fun-filled time to come together."

Funny Wedding Wishes

Go ahead also record something amusing in the card that you believe will produce them laugh. Just exist careful in the company of your wedding wishes. What power easily near across when a joke in conversation could exist taken the wrong method on paper. As a rule about thumb, prevent jokes that are sarcastic or snarky. Also off-limits? Steer clear about anything that could exist considered insulting, imply that one about them is the "better half" or mention anything about it having taken method too elongated (or method too small time) to get married. Oh, also no divorce jokes!


  • "As Bill also Ted said, 'Be excellent to each other.'"
  • "Thanks appropriate to appealing us to consume also drink while you get married. Congrats!"
  • "Wishing you lots about love—and lots about makeup sex!" (If this is suitable particular your association in the company of the couple.)
  • "Our wedding advice: Love, honor and… scrub the toilet." (Or top up in a scrap of other amusing advice you have.)
  • "Love is everything you need… stick in the company of that crap also you'll work great!" (If this is suitable particular your association in the company of the couple.)
  • "Treat wedding same as a hockey game. No roughing!"
  • "Thanks appropriate to the free booze. Best wishes on a long, happy marriage!"
  • "Getting married is same as accepted to play school. May there exist more comedy than melodrama."

Religious Wedding Wishes

If the couple is religious, then this power exist the leading option. Religious marriage card messages can mention God, tell them about your prayers or quote scripture. Before script a spiritual message in a marriage card, consider the couple's beliefs also practices, also customize the message to them. If they aren't too spiritual or don't worship regularly, something highly spiritual could produce them uncomfortable, thus it's exist leading to tone down spiritual elements or prevent them altogether. And if you're unsure about what spiritual message to write, decide appropriate to more general marriage words instead.

Christian Examples:

  • "May God bless you also your union."
  • "May God grant you everything about life's blessings also love's joys."
  • "Sending you prayers appropriate to unending adore also happiness."
  • "God bless you both on this day in the company of a lifetime about shared adore also joy."
  • "May the One who brought you together bless your marriage, enhance your lives also deepen your adore throughout the years."
  • " 'God has poured out His adore into our hearts.' – Romans 5:5"
  • " 'Love is patient. Love is kind… Love never fails.' – 1 Corinthians 13:4-13"

Jewish Examples:

  • "Mazel Tov! May the delight that is yours before tomorrow regularly top up your life."
  • " 'I am my beloved's also my beloved is mine.' – Shir Ha'Shirim/Song about Songs 6:3" Or " 'Ani L'Dodi, v'Dodi Li.' – Shir Ha'Shirim/Song about Songs 6:3"
  • "May you exist blessed."
  • "Mazel Tov on your wedding!" or "Mazel Tov on your marriage!"

Wedding Wishes appropriate to a Family Member

When script a marriage card appropriate to family, you can go highly general or highly personal—it's totally up to you also the type about message you wish for to convey.


  • "Congratulations on your marriage, also welcome to the family!"
  • "We are/I am thus happy to welcome a modern relations member. Best wishes to you both!"
  • "We're/I'm thus happy [name] has start 'the one.' Welcome to the family!"
  • "We're delighted to share this day in the company of you both."
  • "What a wonderful day appropriate to our family, also especially you two. May the delight you experience before tomorrow preceding a lifetime."
  • "Today, we add one more representative to our family, also we couldn't exist happier. Best wishes to you both."
  • "What a wonderful addition to our family. We're/I'm thus happy to share in your celebration. Congratulations!"
  • "We/I couldn't exist happier to call you both family. Best wishes appropriate to a elongated also happy time to come together."
  • "We/I adore you both. Thanks appropriate to letting us share in your celebration!"
  • "Congrats! Love also hugs."

Wedding Wishes appropriate to Your Sister or Brother also Sister-in-Law or Brother-in-Law

So you're script a message on your brother's or sister's marriage card? The key here is personality. In some cases, brother or sister relationships are strained, in which event you power wish for to go general. But more often, your male sibling or sibling is the being whom you have knowledge of best, to whom you can produce inside jokes or recall some about your favorite moments together. Just recall to mention the modern spouse in your note!


  • "It seems same as yesterday we were playing 'house' in the backyard, also now you get to work it in real life. I couldn't exist happier appropriate to you both. Congratulations!"
  • "I regularly wanted a brother/sister also now I get one. Congratulations to you both on decision one another."
  • "Best wishes to my leading friend also sister/brother also modern sister/brother when you set about your existence together."
  • "We/I adore you both. Today I gain a modern brother or sister also I couldn't exist happier!"
  • "Lots about adore also pleasure to you both on this stimulating also pleasing day appropriate to our family."
  • "Remember when you made that inventory about qualities about a 'perfect man/woman?' Well, you start him/her. Lots about adore now also always."
  • "Lots about adore to the leading sister/brother in the whole world also her/his modern squeeze appropriate to life. May you keep a wedding stocked about adore also happiness!"
  • "You take my sister/brother thus much joy. All my love!"
  • "I'm thus thankful to keep a sister/brother same as you. And I wish you also your modern husband/wife enduring joy."
  • "My/our deepest adore also highly leading wishes to you both."

Wedding Wishes appropriate to Your Son or Daughter also Son-in-Law or Daughter-in-Law

It's a big deal when your boy or female child marries. And when you're the female parent or father about the newly-wed or groom, you'll most inclined experience a stir about emotions that are extra sensitive to get down on paper. What's most significant is that you wish the couple well. From there, add in some personal touches to the or level marriage wishes quote to give your marriage card message meaning. If you're happily married, you could even add some about your own wedding advice.


  • "We are/I am thus happy to welcome a modern son/daughter to the family."
  • "What a wonderful day appropriate to our family, also especially you two. May the delight you experience before tomorrow preceding a lifetime."
  • "Today, we add one more representative to our family, also we couldn't exist happier. Best wishes to you both."
  • "Best wishes to my son/daughter also son-in-law/daughter-in-law when you set about your existence together."
  • "We/I adore you both. We/I couldn't exist happier!"
  • "Lots about adore also pleasure to you both on this stimulating also pleasing day appropriate to our family."
  • "My/our deepest adore also highly leading wishes to you both."
  • "Son/daughter, I/we experience many emotions on this day. Most about all, I'm/we're happy you've start someone wonderful to share your existence with. Best wishes to you both."
  • "We/I have knowledge of we're/I'm not losing a son/daughter. We're/I'm gaining a son/daughter. Much pleasure to you."

What to Write on a Wedding Card to a Friend

It's lately when great about a range to go classic in the company of marriage wording on a friend's marriage card when it is to get specific also personal. Before you write, consider your association also how funny, serious, personal or sentimental you wish for to get in the company of your marriage wishes. Then go from there.


  • "I'm thus happy to call you both my friends. Congratulations!"
  • "That diviner we saw in Vegas was right. You did meet the man/woman about your dreams. Best wishes to you both!"
  • "Of everything the big existence events we've celebrated above the years, before tomorrow tops the list. Congrats!"
  • "Thank you appropriate to appealing me to share in this day in the company of you also your family. Best wishes."
  • "I'm/we're thus thrilled to celebrate this wonderful day in the company of you both."
  • "Best wishes appropriate to a elongated also happy existence together."
  • "May you take each other when much pleasure when your friendship has brought to my existence -- also more!"
  • "We've had thus many laughs together! May you regularly produce each other laugh!"
  • "Here's to adore also friendship!"
  • "Congratulations to a wonderful friend also his/her modern husband/wife."

What to Say in a Wedding Card to a Coworker

When script a card to your coworker who's getting married, you're probably not accepted to wish for to wish them "lots about love." Instead, it's leading to go in the company of general wording. Use one about the formal or relaxed examples above, or see beneath appropriate to a few appropriate, work-inspired quotes. All that said, it's more than possible that your coworker is a great friend. If that's the case, scroll up to "Wedding Card Wishes appropriate to a Friend."


  • "Thank you appropriate to appealing me to share in this day in the company of you also your family. Best wishes."
  • "I'm thus happy to keep gotten to have knowledge of you at work, also I wish you also your modern husband/wife a elongated also happy existence together."
  • "Best wishes to a highly cold coworker also his/her modern husband/wife."
  • "Wishing you success—and most about everything happiness—in your marriage."
  • "You've got a modern title: husband/wife! Wishing you also your spouse the best."
  • "What a wonderful day to celebrate my coworker also his/her spouse. All the leading to you both in your marriage."

Wedding Card Sayings appropriate to a Parent also Stepparent

Whether you're thrilled or lukewarm about the union, if your mom or pop is getting married (or remarried), it's totally normal to agonize a small above the right marriage card wording. Our leading piece about advice? Be decent also tell the truth. Don't say you're crazy about the modern husband or woman if you're not, but alternatively wish them both a happy time to come together. After all, isn't that what you wish for appropriate to your parent?


  • "Congratulations! [Name about stepparent], you produce my mom/dad thus happy. I see forward to getting to have knowledge of you better."
  • "Mom/Dad, I'm thus happy you start a squeeze to share your existence with. Congratulations."
  • "I'm/we're thrilled you produce each other thus happy. Best wishes!"
  • "Welcome to the family. We adore you both!"
  • "Mom/Dad, express gratitude to you appropriate to everything the advice you've particular me above the years. Now here's mine: [Fill in your own advice]."
  • "I'm delighted to see you thus happy. Lots about love."
  • "Mom/Dad, we/I adore you. [Name about stepparent], we/I warmly welcome you to the family. Congratulations."
  • "I'll give you the advice you once gave me. [Fill in your parent's leading adore advice.]"
  • "To the leading mom/dad I could ever ask for, also his/her modern husband/wife. Much pleasure to you both."
  • "So now we get to enjoy [stepparent's name]'s cooking on holidays? Yes!" (Or refer to something else you really same as about the modern stepparent.)

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